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Titus Andronicus Classic Reprint William Shakespeare Books

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Preface THE TRAGEDY OF Date of Composition. According to Langbaine, in his A ccoiD it of tJ ie English Dramatic Poets, a quarto edi-, tion ofT itusA ndroniciis was printed in 1594; but no copy has been discovered. The earU est allusion to Shakespeare sconnection with the subject isM eres mention of the play, in 1598, as one of Shakespeare swell-known tragedies. There can be little doubt that Ravenscroft, who about the time of the Popish Plot, revived and altered Titus A ndronictts, preserved a trustworthy tradition with respect to its authorship. I have been told by some anciently conversant with the stage, that it was not originally Shakespeare s, but brought by a private actor to be acted, and he only gave some master-touches to one or two of the principal characters. Internal evidence seems to corroborate the tradition, andS hakespeare sadditions are now generally assigned to about 1589-90. The following passages suggestS hakespearian authorship; Li. 9; IL i. 82, 83; I. i. 70-76, 117-119, 141, 142; IL ii. 1-6; II. iii. 10-15; III. i. 82-86, 91-97; IV. iv. 81-86; V. ii. 21-27; V. iii. 160-168. The problem is complicated by the fact that there must have been at least three plays on the subject, according to the references in theS tationers Registers, and Henslowe sD iary. Jonson probably referred to an older play when he wrote He that will swear, Jeronimo or Andronicus are the best plays yet, shall pass unexcepted at here, as a man whose judgment shows it is constant, and hath stood still these five-and-twenty or thirty years (B artholomcz. Fair, 1614). This would place the production in question between 1584 and 1589. The German tragedy ofT itusA ndronicus, acted abroad about the year 1600 by theE nglish players, may contain elements of the older original on which the pres(C .H. B. Wheadey, New Shakespeare Soe., 1874; a synopsis of critical opinion is to
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)

Titus Andronicus Classic Reprint William Shakespeare Books

What to say about Shakespeare that has not been said before? With eighty-three years on my back now, I have to confess that a few years ago I decided that I wouldn't die (if possible) without reading his work, although English is my second language. I have therefore, been buying the Arden Shakespeare, Third Series, and I can see why all superlatives are incapable of doing justice to the Bard. I am still plowing through the histories, the tragedies and the comedies. I will get to his sonnets, but I am not sure I will get to the Poems.

Product details

  • Paperback 148 pages
  • Publisher Forgotten Books (May 26, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ASIN B00874O3PO

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Tags : Titus Andronicus (Classic Reprint): William Shakespeare: Books,William Shakespeare,Titus Andronicus (Classic Reprint),Forgotten Books,B00874O3PO,Drama Shakespeare
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Titus Andronicus Classic Reprint William Shakespeare Books Reviews

While it may be considered the most brutal Shakespearean play out of all of them, I found this to be a true drama with an intense plot filled with subterfuge and performance-worthy action. I would definitely recommend this for a Shakespeare fan.
This version offers no footnotes or vocabulary definitions. This is very simply the play as it was written. If you are familiar with Shakespeare or the background of this story, it serves it's purpose.
Violence on violence. Titus does not disappoint the more blood-thirsty among Shakespeare's readers. Brutally and deceit from beginning to end.
Shakespeare, in his extreme youth, worked in a theater system that could well be compared to the "studio system" of Hollywood film in the Thirties. He made a whole tour of the popular genres when he started out. There was a fad for gore, and Shakespeare seems to have been assigned to do the Elizabethan version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. If Tom Stoppard were assigned to write Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3, it would probably turn out this badly. Shakespeare's too smart, too talented and he keeps trying to find Meaning or at least Poetry in this shlock. Sometimes he seems to get bored and make fun of the whole genre, overdoing it on purpose. It says a lot that once he was his own man he never wrote another one of these again.
Good book, it came in good condition, buy it!
Quick, Cheap, and easy.

It had been years since I read this and it came up in conversation the other day. Sadly, I had blocked out a lot of the gory details from my memory, so I couldn't say one way or another with any sense of accuracy. So I had to reread it.

This more than met my needs. I guess the 30+ pages or preface and history are great if your teaching from this text. Didn't do much for me as a casual reader though.

I would recommend the form, if not the content. ) So brutal.
I just purchased the edition of this book. Although Jonathan Bate's introductions and notes are first rate, I am very disappointed that all of the pictures that would have been in the printed edition are missing from the edition, having been replaced with a grey box that says, "Image removed-rights not available." Part of the enjoyment of reading the introductions in the Arden Shakespeare series is seeing the pictures of famous productions of Shakespeare, and other illustrations that accompany the text. The missing pictures are the only thing that kept me from giving this book 5 stars!
What to say about Shakespeare that has not been said before? With eighty-three years on my back now, I have to confess that a few years ago I decided that I wouldn't die (if possible) without reading his work, although English is my second language. I have therefore, been buying the Arden Shakespeare, Third Series, and I can see why all superlatives are incapable of doing justice to the Bard. I am still plowing through the histories, the tragedies and the comedies. I will get to his sonnets, but I am not sure I will get to the Poems.
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